Sunday 11 January 2015

No. 69: 145 opportunities to stay at home…

Last Thursday night, just before I went to bed, I did what most of us do.

No not that.

I checked my computer to see what was in my diary for the following day. To my horror I found that my electronic calendar had been wiped clean. There were no entries for the next day, the next week, the next month! They had all gone. Panic set in immediately. What had I done?

My wife Stella, my children, and my former PA Sarah Jane will all readily attest to my utter incompetence with IT. I had not realised that every time I entered a new meeting into my electronic diary I was doing so via the Thames Water server. Thus when Thames, quite rightly, terminated my access to their IT systems all my diary appointments disappeared also.

Upon realising this I called my friends at Thames and begged for their help. Lisa Barrett (PA to the CEO) was particularly helpful… once she had got over her (cruel, vindictive) laughter. She connected me with Ashish Ippili.

Ashish is one of the IT gurus at Thames. Over the years he has helped me many times with my IT struggles. Using the soft, patient tones that one imagines doctors use with particularly dim patients, he would explain what I had done wrong and how I could correct the data-loss/firewall breach/server crash (delete as appropriate). Seriously, I was that incompetent that people used to question whether I should be allowed scissors.

Anyway, hero that he is, Ashish solved my problem and, within a few short hours I was back in business. 145 meetings were safely reinstated in my calendar. It was only then that I realised what I had done. I had been given the perfect excuse for clearing my diary and I had squandered it. Think of all those meetings I could have readily avoided, using the honest excuse that my calendar had been wiped!   

I miss Ashish. Every business should have an Ashish.

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