Thursday 18 December 2014

No. 65: Things to do in Denver when you not DEAD

Denver: big skies, Rocky Mountains, lovely people.

It also has the biggest co-digestion anaerobic digestion facility in the world. I find this abnormally exciting (many years ago, when I actually did real work rather than whatever it is that you call what I do now, anaerobic digestion was what I studied). Attached are some photos. I could write reams, but I won’t. I suspect the following story is more engaging.

On Tuesday night, in LA, I had a meal with an old friend, Jeff Brown, and his family. Jeff is something big and important at Orange County Sanitation District, but we didn’t talk work. Besides being one of the wittiest people I know, Jeff also has one of the nicest families in the world. One of his daughters, Dana, is based in New York, working to become an actor. As you may know from previous Notes, I am somewhat a tart for celebrity connections, so was particularly keen to hear her story. I had not realised the complexities of establishing an acting career. The 5am auditions with 400 people going for each part, the requirement to join ‘the Union’ (which sounds suspiciously Mafioso and protectionist).

From what I can gather Dana’s acting success to date seems to have been mostly as murder victims, or as a murderer, or as a relative to a murderer. Her parents are so proud.

Dana has produced and acted in a short film. It’s really good. I watched it in a jet lagged state in the middle of the night in my Denver hotel. About 7 minutes in there is a surprising twist. Like the 1995 black comedy/cult film ‘Things to do in Denver when you are dead’ it is a bit dark. It’s called Judgement:

Remember the name Dana Brown. You heard it first here.

Also remember the big digesters. They are awesome.

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