Wednesday 16 December 2015

No 131:A Christmas Fairy-tale: The Gingerbread Café and the Magic Toilet

Deep in the heart of London is Europe’s tallest building, The Shard. At the base of The Shard is the Shangri La hotel. Hidden inside the hotel is Lang’s Café. So far, there is nothing remarkable to this story. But this café is magical. Like a Lewis Carol portal at the back of a cupboard, this café has the ability to enhance the lives of those patrons who, through accident or good fortune, notice its hidden mystery. For hard though it is to believe, the serving desk in the Lang’s café is made of gingerbread.

Don’t believe me? See the attached photos. That 12 foot high brickwork is all pure, edible, fresh gingerbread. Most patrons fail to notice, but to those that do, great things happen. Take my story as an example and then, I dare you, try it for yourself.

Mere minutes after I had noticed the gingerbread (and had an enlightening exchange with my server about the various merits of such a workspace) I found myself facing a call of nature. I visited the café toilet and experienced the unexpected but surprisingly wondrous pleasure of a heated toilet seat. As I placed my delicate white buttocks on the pre-warmed ceramic I knew my life was about to change. I could feel an enchanted tingle creeping up my body. Something good was about to happen, I just knew it.

Seconds later my phone buzzed, announcing the arrival of a new email. It was from Frank Rogalla at Aqualia. It was in Spanish but  I could tell it was good news. A quick translation later and I learnt that after almost 2 years in the evaluation process our Horizon 2020 consortium (comprising 18 different organisations from across the EU, with Isle as the only UK partner) had been successful. We had secured a Euro7m grant, spread over the 3 years, to investigate ‘Nanomaterials – Low Energy Desalination’. This is a great project, working as part of a great team.

It is an early Christmas gift, coupled with a little bit of fairy-tale luck perhaps. Some might call it chance. Some might call it coincidence. I believe in the magic toilet.

As my day progressed it so did my feelings of good fortune. As chance would have it, this evening was the Isle UK Christmas Party. Admittedly an evening of virtual reality golf, speedway racing and unbridled drunken karaoke with complete strangers is not the traditional way to celebrate the birth of Christ, but it seemed strangely fitting. We bonded and celebrated. I didn’t share my magic toilet seat story, no one would have believed me. No one in Isle reads these Notes, they get enough drivel from me as part of their day job that I suspect they all press delete as soon as these emails arrive. My secret is safe.

So here I am, sitting on my train home as it limps slowly across the Surrey countryside. A little bit drunk and horse from singing, yet unbelievably happy. It is a Christmas Fairy-tale! And there is still 10 days to go….

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