Earlier this month I spent a delightful evening at the top
of The Gherkin with Richard Stilgoe. For readers not familiar with Richard, he
was famous 3 decades ago for being a witty, charming, raconteur who frequently
appeared on TV.1 Think of him as a 1970s Stephen Fry, only
wittier. Best known for his humorous songs he wrote the lyrics to Andrew Lloyd
Webbers ‘Starlight Express’ and was part of the writing team behind ‘Phantom of
the Opera’. Lovely bloke that he is, he has donated a significant proportion of
his royalties from these shows to various charities, including WaterAid. No
wonder he was knighted in 2012.
I confess that I was not enjoying an exclusive 1-2-1 evening
with Sir Richard. We were attending a WaterAid fundraiser. Part of the evenings
fundraising activities included a silent auction, and a ‘personalized poem’
composed by Sir Richard was one of the coveted lots. Buoyed by the fact that my
money would support WaterAid I bid feverishly and won. Next came the dilemma of
deciding to whom I should dedicate my personalized poem.
Better men may have been tempted to dedicate such a unique
gift to their wives. Or gift it to their children for future generations to
enjoy. Not me. There was only ever one recipient I wanted my poem to focus on, and that is Isle. Isle is the
specialist technical consultancy for which I have been Chairman since it formed
in 2010. Today Isle employs 60 people, spread across 8 locations around the
world. Our goal is simple: to help the water sector embrace and adopt new
technology. I love Isle.
Forget Starlight Express, this could be the start of ‘Isle
The Musical’
The fact that 48 hours previously I had been in Haiti with 7
of my Isle colleagues participating in the 5th annual 10km sea swim
probably also shaped my decision. As has been recorded in these blogs
previously, Isle has strong links with Haiti. This year the Isle team was
raising money for Watering Minds, who provide clean water to local schools.
$13k has been raised to date by the Isle team, which will ensure over 2600 children
get clean water for the next year. Donations can still be made (https://fundraise.wateringminds.org/campaign/swim-for-haiti-2018-watering-minds/c157801).
Highlights are here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1niWoU1FHr-xnA--zk_XjTEHwTVT1Ifdt/view?usp=sharing.
Quite by chance this year I discovered the secret to having
a successful swim. Once the initial horn is blown all the swimmers disperse
very quickly and it can become a very long, very lonely and very gruelling
event. This year, after about 2km I spotted another swimmer 20 yards ahead of
me. It was a lady about my age, powering her way through the sea. I was
immediately taken back 30 years to when I first met my wife at our local
swimming club. I would chase her down the pool, trying to keep up. I locked
into the same mind-set, imagined that she was my wife and that I was once more
a hormonal 17 year old chasing the woman of my dreams through the water. The
remaining miles just melted away and we crossed the finish line together, achieving
personal bests of 2 hours and 54 minutes. Admittedly this is 30 minutes behind
the winner, but he was a man called Diego and had the distinct advantage of
having been born with both gills and fins.
When I shared with my new swimming partner, whom I had been
chasing for the previous 2 hours, that my mental strategy had been to fantasize
that she was my wife, she gave me a look that could only be interpreted as ‘Step
back Wierdo. You are a creep’. Somehow the deeply romantic angle to my strategy,
which had seemed so righteous at the time, got lost in the telling. My wife seemed
equally unimpressed. Apparently chasing other women is always wrong. Always. Period.
I may need to rethink to whom my poem is dedicated.
For readers not familiar with The Gherkin it is an
iconic London building, so named for its uncanny resemblance to a small pickled
cucumber. Other London landmarks named after fish and chip accompianments
include the Curry Sauce Interchange and Pickled Egg Circus.
Looking forward for Isle the Musical. Solving World water challenges with technology and innovation. Having a blast in the process.